
Showing posts from November, 2008

American consumer madness kills

Here is a story of consumerism taken to its most horrible end -- the taking of a life. It's a retail tradition in the US to have massive sales after Thanksgiving, in preparation for Christmas -- the holiday where to consume is to be holy. Americans, having eaten their fill this Thanksgiving, with an economy in a tailspin, took their smoking credit cards to stores to see if they would still work. At a local Wal-Mart in Long Island , NY, shoppers went nuts at the 5AM store opening. Chanting "push the doors in," they crashed into the store, tearing the doors off its hinges, and stampeded store employees. Most employees got out of the way of the crowd in a hurry, by jumping onto vending machines -- no such luck for Jdimytai Damour, was knocked down and crushed by the mob. When the shoppers were then told that a store employee had died in the melee, they refused to lease, since they were in the line for a long time. "I look at these people's faces and I keep thi

Terry Pratchett's The Nation

I finished Terry Pratchett 's The Nation last night -- weeks after my wife had finished it, but not long after I had flipped it open on the bus, on the way to work one morning. Pratchett's books tend to be devoured in my house -- my wife, my daughters and me, where the addiction first got started. My wife and I picked up the Nation at Waterstone's on Sauchiehall Street, in Glasgow, when we were on holidays in Scotland. I think we got it before its North American release. We usually have to wait until after Christmas to read a new Pratchett book, since it's usually bought as a Christmas present for someone. Not this time around, however. The Nation is a departure of sorts for Pratchett. It's not a Discworld novel. It's set in a new world, very much like our own, but slightly askew. I'm not sure if the novel was intended for young readers, as it featured young protagonists -- but Pratchett doesn't do well writing for a young audience. If he

India is on the Moon

The Indians have landed on the Moon. Yesterday, the Moon Impact Probe (MIP) separated from the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft for a dusty splash down. Immediately after landing, the MIP righted itself, and started to dance. See more images of this historic event for India at the ISRO site .

First Photos of Planets Around Other Stars

Astronomers have taken the first ever direct photos of planets outside of our solar system . Three planets orbiting the star HR 8799, have been photographed in the infrared. And another, photographed by Hubble, orbits Fomalhaut. The planets are all larger than Jupiter. These planets are gas giants, but it can't be far off before direct photos are taken of smaller terrestrial planets. And won't that be cool?! We know we're not the only solar system. How long more before we find out that we're not alone?

The Business of Human Rights

Here's a new one for you -- the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre -- tracking the impact of over 4,000 companies operating in over 180 countries around the world. Allegations of corporate misconduct get a little light, with the organization confronting businesses and seeking responses. As expected, a lot of the issues deals with first world corporate giants and their colonial adventures in far off lands. But, there are still issues right on our doorstep, and the BHRRC is there too. The site acts as a clearinghouse for social responsibility news, and is worth the bookmark for those passionate about justice.

Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow stoned to death

Yet another little girl has been murdered. Horribly murdered. Thirteen year old Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow , of Kismayo, Somalia, was raped by three men. She was convicted of adultery by the Islamic Courts in Kismayo, and was stoned to death by dozens of men in a stadium packed with about 1,000 spectators. If the UN doesn't do something in Somalia, Ethiopia should just permanently occupy the country and open hunting season on the murderous Islamic Court.