Why do they come here?

Indeed. This is not a protest. This is hooliganism. And I for one have no problem with police taking the bastards wrecking havoc in my city -- taking the ones hiding their faces -- taking the locals and the foreigners who are destroying everything in their paths, and beating the shit out of them. That would be police performing their duty to protect civil society. When violence threatens a civil society, it needs an immediate and harsh response.

I'm all for protest. It is what makes a democracy function. I didn't care for the lock downs -- and still don't care for it. But soon as the violence started, I became fully supportive of an equally harsh response from authorities. The fact that these assholes -- anarchists and the like -- came here to destroy my city makes me angry.

I'm also angry at the federal government. WTF were you thinking? You hold meetings like this in remote areas, away from easy access. Let's see the anarchists get to Iqaluit. Let's see them easily escape authorities.

in reference to: CBC News - Canada - G20 protest violence escalates in Toronto (view on Google Sidewiki)


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