Men are Smarter than Women

According to a study by Paul Irwing and Richard Lynn, to be published in the British Journal of Psychology, men are smarter than women -- due to genetic differences in intelligence -- men have larger brains than women. This shows up in men having a slight advantage over women in IQ tests, getting more Nobel prizes than women, and having more chess grandmasters than women. People who are about to take this too seriously, should note that Lynn has in the past published papers arguing that there are differences in intelligence between different racial groups.

I'm not sure if these "researchers" have factored the environment, social or economic conditions into their study. It would seem to be the intelligent thing to do. It's also interesting to note that the researchers are both men. Psychologists no less.


  1. They're both fuckin' idiots, but of course I say that in a most properly respectful deference to their superior intellect.

  2. ^---- in denial.


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