Wild, Wild West

It's extraordinary how absolute power corrupts. In the case of America, the only superpower left in the world -- that power is rotting the core of America -- its justice system. The Bush Administration made it legal in their adventures against terrorism, to kidnap foreign nationals, on foreign soil, and drag them off to the Guantanamo purgatory. Now it appears that law can be leveraged against any foreign national, suspected of running afoul of American law, to be kidnapped and brought back to America to face American justice.

The Times Online reports on a senior lawyer in the American government, who recently told a British judge in a British court, that American law allows America to kidnap British citizens and bring them to justice in America. In this stance, there is no respect international law, or the laws of other nations. This is a case of might equaling right. I wonder what the American response would be if other nations started doing likewise. I believe George W. Bush has had charges brought against him in other nations, for violating their laws in actions he authorized in his "war on terror." Would it sit well with America to have their president kidnapped to face ... hmm ... let's see ... Iranian justice?

When will the American people shake off their political lethargy and join the rest of the world in condemnation of their uncivilized laws and actions? More and more the line between the terrorists and those that profess to wage war against them are blurring. All because of a select few currently in power.


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