The Excrementitialism of John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire is a dumb-ass. I say this without know much about the man, other than what I've read on his Wikipedia entry -- and photographs I've found of him online. In his case, I'm more than willing to skip my usual refrain of withholding judgment, and just judging the book by its cover. The man is a dumb-ass. All you need for evidence is to look at his October 7th post on the National Review, Will Obama Kill Science? Actually, just being in the National Review's stable is enough to make him a dumb-ass, but his latest words are even more notable for their elevation of his stature to dumb-ass-ness. In the post in question, Derbyshire promotes the idea that Obama will quash research into the life sciences, because he's afraid that science will find out that blacks are an inferior race. Oh, he didn't come out right and use those words, but his meaning is quite clear. Read his post.


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