Finding a Christian god in a Muslim Iran

The fact that there are Christians left in Iran is surprising. I would have thought them all gone by now. Either by immigration, as refugees to Christian or agnostic nations -- or by death. Apparently there are still Christians, however. And leaving by death has become acceptable to Iranians -- and by their tolerance, acceptable also to the European Union and the United Nations. Being killed by religious reasons is nothing new. New in Iran however, is death for apostasy. It is now the law in that country -- convert and you will meet your new god very quickly.

The killing over religion is registering less and less at an emotional level with me now. I could start the rant right now about religious teachings of tolerance and the irony of killing non-believers. Or the devolution of a once great society in the Middle East since they lost their god -- the hypothetical Allah would be none too happy his Imams today -- and Mohammad has left the house. But why bother. Maybe if we let them take their world back to the dark ages, they'll be happy in their misery -- or the populace would be pissed enough to actually revolt.


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