Assassination squads in Afghanistan

War is war, but this isn't war anymore. This is just plain state-sponsored terrorism. I don't understand why the Americans can't see that they will win no friends; not secure the American homeland; and not make the world a safer place.

With the release of the top secret US military documents by Wikileaks, the world is getting a little glimpse into shadowy world of special forces operations in Afghanistan. The CIA's Special Activities Division, along with the Army Rangers, Green Berets, Navy Seals, and special operations groups from other countries, including Canada, are waging a covert war to find and kill, suspected terrorists in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and who knows where else.

Killing the bad guys isn't a problem for me. But killing innocent civilians along the way -- that just doesn't work. And as the History News Network reports, a lot of civilians are getting killed. How many is unknown, because for one, the records for the operations conducted by the special operations teams are secret -- and for another, the civilians that are being killed may not even matter enough to have their bodies counted. This isn't breaking a few eggs to make an omelette. This is children being murdered by rockets falling on schools; brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, being slaughtered in their homes, as they conduct their daily routines. Surely, the over 3,000 that died in the 9/11 attacks have now been avenged. Surely the tens of thousands Afghan civilians and the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians are enough. Surely the thousands of American soldiers are now enough.

in reference to:

"In more than 100 incident reports in the Wikileaks files, Task Force 373 is described as leading numerous “capture/kill” efforts, notably in Khost, Paktika, and Nangarhar provinces, all bordering the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of northern Pakistan. Some reportedly resulted in successful captures, while others led to the death of local police officers or even small children, causing angry villagers to protest and attack U.S.-led military forces."
- History News Network (view on Google Sidewiki)


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