Clive Barker's Weaveworld

I had picked up Weaveworld a while back at a UofT booksale -- finally gotten around to reading it, starting about a month ago. Like Clive Barker's other fantasies, this one is grand in scale. It tells the story of two humans who must protect a world of magic and wonder from not only humankind, but a monster from the past that's out to destroy it and all its inhabitants -- in typical Barker fashion, the real monsters turn out to be people -- everyday people that carry a capacity for evil that puts the monsters of our imagination to shame. It is a good story. At times, Clive Barker's words feel like poetry. He brings his world alive -- making it almost tangible -- making you wish that the fairy tale could come through. And at the end, he leaves a beginning. I highly recommend this book.


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