The Pope is Dead

OK, not quite yet, and if the media had their way, he'd stick around for another week or so, so they can enjoy the circus and the ratings. The way the media vultures are circling, the man might was well be dead, as they're already picking at the corpse. Not that I give a shit or anything. It's only the Pope, and there's no love loss between us. The man is not a nice man.


  1. I agree. I mean, when the Pope is in "Serious Condition," what does that mean when we know he's on the verge of death. So what. They'll get another potentate to sit on the throne of the obsolete church sooner than later.

    The Schiavo Media Circus has transplanted itself to Rome. Ahhhgggg, in the faithful words of Charlie Brown.

  2. Whoo-hoo! Cause for celebration!

    The Pope is really dead. Now. The media frenzy will now switch gears. First, we'll hear about what a great guy the Pope was. Then we'll probably hear about how he wasn't such a nice guy. Then the media frenzy will switch to the speculative -- who will be the next ass on the throne, as the Cardinals meet in secret to smoke the dead Pope. (Really, the ritual involves smoke. The cardinals light up until they agree on who the new Pope will be. Silly shit.)

    And for those who are about to get really pissed at me -- those are my views on all organized religion. I believe in gods for the masses, not the few who dole out religion with stingy and expensive hands.

    Oh, and if you're about to leave a nasty comment, I also believe in first strikes: bite me!


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