
Wired Magazine has a great article on four undocumented Mexican highschoolers in Phoenix, who took on University engineering students in the third annual Marine Advanced Technology Education Center's Remotely Operated Vehicle Competition last year, and won -- against great odds. The four highschoolers are incredibly smart, and championed by two exceptional teachers. They are however, up against great odds to repeat their competition success in life. As undocumented residents, they are illegals. To go to University, they have to pay tuition fees that foreign students would have to pay -- even though on average, they've been living for 11-years in the US. They are also living in poverty, and they can expect little help from their parents. They represent great potential however -- and it makes you wonder how much potential is being thrown away due to similar circumstances. After reading the article, if you'd like to contribute to a scholarship program set up to provide these kids a future, jump to PayPal and donate.

Carl Hayden High School


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