Voyager 1 Passes Termination Shock

Voyager 1 and 2
It was recently confirmed by NASA that the Voyager 1 spacecraft passed through the termination shock region -- the region of space where the solar wind starts to mix with the thin interstellar gas of the space between stars. In this region, the solar wind slows as it encounters the interstellar gas and becomes denser and hotter. In December of last year, Voyager 1 started to measure increased magnetic field intensity that has persisted -- an expected result from the accumulation of electrically charged particles from the solar wind. Twenty-seven years and counting, the Voyager spacecrafts are expected to continue operating for at least another 15 years.

Check out the NASA site above for some cool animation and detailed explanation of what scientists think the boundary of the solar system and interstellar space looks like.


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