The Caged Virgin

Cox & Forkum has an excellent piece on Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-born refugee in the Netherlands. Hirsi Ali skipped out of Somalia to escape from an arranged marriage and Islamic persecution. She made a life in the Netherlands, rising to become a prominent politician. Her new life however, was short lived, as she admitted to lying about her name and age on her asylum application. Now she's fighting to stay in the Netherlands.

So she lied. Who wouldn't in those circumstances to gain haven? I would tell them whatever they wanted to hear. The truth behind the story, as Cox & Forkum points out, is that Hirsi Ali has become an embarrassment to the Netherlands. She's a vocal opponent of the treatment of women in Islamic societies. So much so, that to safeguard her life, the Dutch have taken on some risks. In this case, the Dutch would prefer that their words speak louder than their actions. While they're fully supportive of women across the world having freedom, they're not so supportive when the fight comes to their door.

The last candle will not be doused by evil -- it will be doused by the good, seeing evil, and doing nothing about it.


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