YouTube's Woes

As YouTube grows, it's gaining more and more attention -- how it's dealing with that attention has been interesting. Like the proverbial tree in the wind, YouTube is allowing itself to bend whichever way the wind blows -- what they fail to understand, is that bending will be their ultimate undoing. YouTube seems to cave to any pressure, except that of their users. They're sacrificing the goodwill of their users to address the moral, political or corporate will of those that complain to them.

Case in point -- recently, there was an uproar over a South Park episode that featured some dispicable acts and Jesus Christ, but not Mohammed. They were trying to make some point I'm sure, but that's beside the point here. Fox News then covered the story, which I posted about here. Under pressure from Comedy Central however, the Fox News video that was posted on YouTube was removed because it was deemed inappropriate. Fox News didn't complain about their content being posted on YouTube -- Comedy Central did, and YouTube killed it. It's not the first time YouTube has done this, and most likely won't be the last, as they continue their abuse of their users. They recently for instance, removed the Stephen Colbert @ the White House Correspondents Dinner clip.

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