Buying Science

Not content to let facts carry the day, companies with large investments in the fossil fuel industry are buying their science "facts." The facts of global warming come from "alarmists" according to one executive of a utility company. Yes folks, the fact that polar ice continues to melt at increasing rates; that widespread changes in the environment is bringing changes in the native plant and animal species -- harbinger of what will happen to us; that record temperatures have been recorded over the last number of years; that changes to the planet's weather patterns are already being seen; doesn't seem to phase these people. The changes to the environment due to global warming is no longer long term -- it's happening now. The short term thinking seems to be rapidly falling, from years to months now. Denial seems to rule their day. So powerful is the compulsion to deny what is happening, that the power companies are banding together to raise funds for one of the few climate scientists that don't believe global warming is happening. The scientist, Pat Michaels, of the University of Virginia, is selling his soul for more research money to deny the truth.


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