Fat, Lazy & Stupid People

Fat, Lazy and Stupid ... let's just say FLS people. What's with them? Before the uproar starts, let me clarify. There are fat people, call them obese if you want, they're still fat, who know they have an unhealthy problem, and probably want to do something about it. Let's extend these people a little cheer. They're trying. It's not easy. The odds are stacked against them (pun intended). Add lazy and stupid to the fat however, and you get a dangerous combination. These people should be driven off the planet.

What's prompting this little venom from me? This WSJ article on the sidewalk SUV. That's the WSJ's term for the motorized scooters that is proliferating cities around the world. At first glance, it's a nice thing to see. Otherwise disabled people can finally gain a little bit of independence. But have you encountered the assholes who get transformed by these scooters to take on the persona of SUV drivers? You know them. They're sidewalk bullies. They hog the sidewalk, pushing their way through crowds with little regard for those they run over. After all, they're on a scooter. It's a big fuck you to pedestrians. Regardless of whether you're disabled or not, if you exhibit this behaviour, you're an asshole.

Yes, I did say regardless of whether you're disabled or not -- that's because motorized scooters are finding a new market. FLS people. Otherwise able-bodied people who hop on the scooters to get around because they're too lazy to walk. They're responsible for more and more of the vehicles making it on to the sidewalk, and I'm suggesting that they're predominantly the ones who have the SUV mentality. They're giving disabled users of these vehicles a bad name. They're pissing off people.


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