Indian Rape Victim Burned to Death

15-year-old Asha Katiya of Madhya Pradesh, India, was doused with kerosene and set ablaze by her rapist, as she lay sleeping in her home. Asha comes from a lower-caste family, and she was raped by an upper-caste man in July. She reported the crime to police, and she was set to testify in an upcoming court appearance. The man threatened to kill her and her family if she didn't drop the charges against him. She refused. He murdered her.

As Asha laid dying from her burn wounds at home, her family tried to get a car to drive her to the nearest hospital. The cars in her village all belong to upper-caste people. None helped. A vehicle from another village eventually drove her to hospital where she died.

As far as India has progressed, the society is still ass-backwards. For all their aspirations to become a prosperous nation, there is still a large portion of the population who are not being included in the benefits of modernization -- who are not getting justice. Asha Katiya is yet another example of those who are purposely being trampled on; who's existence, India sees no value in.

Watch a video report of the incident.


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