Waiting for a Cure

The Fraser Institute recently completed their 16th annual survey on wait times experienced by Canadians at hospitals across the country -- and the news just isn't good. On average, from a GP's referral to treatment in a hospital, it takes 17.8 weeks. The survey focused on 12 specialities and the 10 provinces. I'm sure the numbers are even worse for the territories. Wait times increased overall in BC, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and PEI -- while Alberta, Ontario and Newfoundland, fared better. At the extremes were Ontario and New Brunswick, coming in at 14.9 and 31.9 weeks.

When you look at the details, the reality of health care in Canada becomes a scary prospect. Health care spending has been increasing, but improvements just aren't being seen. Either the population or the population of sick people, is growing faster than the spending increase, or after years of neglect, the cash infusion is being swallowed up to bring the health care system current. Regardless, if you're sick in Canada, you want to be in Ontario. Canada on average isn't fairing well, but Ontario is where most of the improvements have been seen.


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