McDonald's 24/7

Super-size Me
The typical American, with time constraints and family with conflicting schedules, dine out around five times a week. An unbelievable number of time nosh at the McDonald's trough. The number one fast food business feeds 27 million people every day, and its popular meal continues to be a double cheeseburger with fries. While the rest of the world is waking up to health reality of a population gorging its way to obesity -- McDonald's remains a throwback. Yes, you can find some healthier choices at McDonald's, but the company also refuses to change its tried and true, as it would mess would mess with the taste of the portly goodness it serves. Despite this, McDonald's is currently at the top of its game, and all indications predict they will continue to have an outsize share of the paunchy market.

McDonald's CEO revels in the knowledge that they have "cracked the code in the United States" -- that Americans love to eat -- all the time -- and are too lazy to cook for themselves. BusinessWeek is carrying a cover article on just how McDonald's plans to continue growing its relevance in the American market. McDonald's is going 24/7 in a big way. They achieved market saturation with locations, so know they're expanding their waistlines to fit the entire day. Franchisees are being encouraged to remain open all day long, to catch everyone who needs to nibble. This by itself isn't anything remarkable. Other fast food chains have been dabbling with the 24/7 concept, and retailers in general have been experimenting with extended hours to meet the needs of their particular demographic. What was revealing, was the insight on the typical McDonald's customer.

BusinessWeek introduced a Julie Brown, who drives her Hummer to McDonald's to pick up breakfast for her daughter and the rest of the high school swim team, while they practice. What's the typical breakfast Julie can find for her daughter? How about the McGriddle? That's two maple syrup filled pancakes sandwiched with a combination of either sausage, egg, cheese and bacon. Angie Stallings is so busy as well, that she takes her 13-year-old daughter to McDonald's at least three times every week, usually dining on the double cheeseburgers. Angie apparently doesn't have time to cook, but realizing what McDonald's will do to her waistline, she has started walking a mile at least four times a week. Hmm ... Hummer to McDonald's ... and walking off McDonald's because there's no time to cook ... are you getting the picture of a typical McDonalds customer?

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