SCO vs. Pamela Jones

SCO's Blowhard
Desperate times are at hand -- have been at hand -- and continues to be at hand, over at SCO. Desperate times also seem to bring out the conspiracy theorists -- but then again, when you're flipping insane, which is a safe description of anyone still in the employ of SCO -- the jump to conspiracy theorist could be achieved with just a small little stumble, no leap required. SCO is now going after a long-time critic of their suit against IBM, Pamela Jones, a blogger on Groklaw. SCO is trying to find Jones to serve her with a deposition to appear in court because they suspect she isn't real, but is actually a team of IBM lawyers spreading propaganda against SCO. Only problem is, they can't find her.

Yeah, and right now, I'm Data Mirror lawyer trying to bring an end to Teilhard.


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