Screwed by Comcast

Ever been screwed by the man? Then you will find this story of Frank and Elizabeth's abuse by Comcast quite familiar. Frank and Elizabeth run a small business, and use Comcast for broadband access to the internet. Their business depends on it. One day, they tried to use the internet and found out to their dismay, that they were disconnected. Comcast had disconnected them as they had violated their unlimited usage account by exceeding their bandwidth cap. WTF??? Yes, you read correctly. Unlimited usage apparently doesn't mean unlimited bandwidth usage. It means there is a bandwidth limit. When Frank contacted Comcast to find out how he violated the terms of the contract, they told him he used too much bandwidth, but refuse to tell him what the limit was, as they couldn't divulge that information to customers. WTF???

Right. So, think it couldn't happen to you? It has happened to me -- with Rogers, right here in Toronto. Rogers suspended my account a couple of times for excessive bandwidth usage, and when I contacted them, they refuse to even tell me how much bandwidth I had used -- and by how much I went over -- and, like Frank, I have an unlimited usage account. So, where does that leave us? Consumers have little-to-no protection in situations like this, as no one has yet launched a class action suit against these bozos. The government, the FTC down south and the CRTC here, are just not that interested in consumers. The other thing, the abuse of language. Unlimited. It means unlimited! Nothing but.


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