Evolution a Jewish Conspiracy

They grow them really stupid in Texas. And I don't mean GW alone ... the whole place is awash with stupidity ... and at the highest levels of their society. This one comes from AlterNet -- reporting that the chairman of the Texas House Appropriations Committee, Republican Warren Chisum, is distributing a memo penned by Ben Bridges, that references "indisputable evidence" that science, from the Big Bang to Evolution, is all just a Pharisee religious conspiracy trying to undermine Christianity.

The memo suggests that creation science -- an oxymoron used by morons -- which can't be taught in schools because it has a religious agenda, is the same argument that can be used to remove evolution science from schools.
Indisputable evidence -- long hidden but now available to everyone -- demonstrates conclusively that so-called "secular evolution science" is the Big-Bang 15-billion-year alternate "creation scenario" of the Pharisee Religion. This scenario is derived concept-for-concept from Rabbinic writings in the mystic "holy book" Kabbala dating back at least two millennia.
The memo, which makes torturous use of italics, then went on to provide a number of links to the "indisputable evidence" published at the Fair Education Foundation, Inc. -- a place very far Texas, where they be cuckoos who believe,
The Earth is not rotating...nor is it going around the sun.
The universe is not one ten trillionth the size we are told.
Today's cosmology fulfills an anti-Bible religious plan disguised as "science".
The whole scheme from Copernicanism to Big Bangism is a factless lie.
Those lies have planted the Truth-killing virus of evolutionism
in every aspect of man's "knowledge" about the Universe, the
Earth, and Himself.
Umm ... yeah, OK. The memo exhorts members of the Texas House of Representatives to join Ben Bridges, and his looney friend Marshall Hall, in supporting a bill to challenge science as religion, and therefore get it booted out of Texas schools. Frankly, I support their efforts. Here's hoping that reality will leave the state, as it is apparently "causing incalculable harm to every student and every truth-loving citizen."

Speaking of reality -- who the hell elected these idiots? Oh ... nevermind. <-- italics, so I can be taken seriously.


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