International Women's Day

International Women's Day (IWD) is marked on March 8, every year. It's a day set aside across the world to recognize the achievements of women everywhere -- although it is marked differently by different countries. In some countries, IWD is celebrated like Mother's Day or Valentine's Day -- whereas elsewhere, it's a day marked by the reaffirmation of the equal rights of women; a recognition that there is much more that needs to be done before there is no longer a need for the IWD. If you are female, this day should mean something to you. If you're male, this should also mean a whole lot to you, for you at least have a mother -- and may have a sister, wife, daughter or female friend -- and unfortunately, the world continues to do them a disservice because of their gender.

Here in Canada, women have greater rights than in most countries of the world -- aligned more or less with the status of women in other developed nations -- yet, there is much more work that needs to be done. The Status of Women government agency, which the Harper government has done quite a job taking apart, marks 2007 with the theme of Ending Violence Against Women: Action for Real Results -- which speaks volumes on how much still needs to be done in Canada.  If the theme alone doesn't shake your awareness, check out some of the publications on the Status of Women site.  The topics are deplorable.  As a Canadian, it is the responsibility of everyone of us to take action to end discriminatory practices, behaviours, and policies in our country.  As a citizen of the world, everyone of us needs to lend our voices to call for the elimination of discrimination against women -- for the plight of women in most parts of the world is reprehensible.


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