
P6090536 G Ross Lord Park
Glenn Albrecht coined the term solastalgia to describe the sadness, distress, sense of loss and depression that result from missing one's home and sense of belonging -- not because of a move away from home -- but because environmental change has resulted in the change in the identification one feels for home. Home can mean different things to different people -- at different times -- and in different context. Home can be one's country; hometown; or even online locale. Albrecht aptly describes it as,
... the homesickness you feel when you're still at home.
We now have a name for the condition some of us are already experiencing -- and more of us will come to experience as our world changes for the worst. 2007 ended with an awakening of the general public to the threat of climate change. Granted there are those with their heads still firmly buried in the ground, but enough awareness has been raised. As futile as our efforts may now be to halt large scale changes, there is still much that can be done to limit the effects on the planet -- our home. It will take the efforts of you and me -- to influence industry, to make personal changes, and to do the right thing.

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