
Showing posts from April, 2008

Another Reason Why Metallica Sucks

What happens when a band comes out against their fans who pirated their music? They're hated to the core of their sold-out souls. What happens when that band contemplates an internet distribution model after years of sucking? They get creamed by music fans for being hypocrites. Who's the band? Metallica. Read more on Wired .

Spying on America's Secrets

So what would happen if, a Canadian agent convinced a U.S. Army mechanical engineer to secretly bring classified U.S. national defence documents home, so they could be photographed and sent back to Canada? What if those documents included atomic weapons and fighter jet information? What if the Americans finally found out via an FBI investigation? What would the U.S. government do? Well, for one thing, they'd be pissed. They'd call a news conference and show the world how pissed they were at Canada. They'd feel betrayal that one of their closest allies ... friends ... had come into their house and steal secrets from them. In fact, had they asked, the information would probably have been shared with them. Diplomats would be pulled, and the U.S. would be mad with us for quite some time. This of course did happen ... the stealing part that is. But it wasn't Canada. It was Israel that did the stealing. And it happened for years. An investigation has culminated

Having a Firm Grip on Spending Taxpayers Dollars

The UK's Office of Government Commerce (OGC), responsible for government procurement, recently underwent a branding exercise, the culmination of which has resulted in the creation of a logo. Everyone loves a logo, and one that is memorable, capable of surviving the changes in strategy and messaging. An OGC spokesman commented to the Register on their new logo: "The proposed version, which you have sent over, has been shared with staff, and is now going through final technical stages. It is true that it caused a few titters among some staff when viewed on its side, but on consideration we concluded that the effect was generic to the particular combination of the letters 'OGC' - and is not inappropriate to an organization that's looking to have a firm grip on government spend!" The logo will indeed be memorable, firm grip and all. Just rotate it 90-degrees clockwise to see why.

Evil Cola

What's wrong with Coca-Cola India ? They're supplying a toxic sludge to local farmers in Kerala as fertilizer, to placate them for the pillaging of their water supply to create sugar water and profits for Coke's coffers. Coke claims the toxic sludge is good crops, but an independent study revealed that the sludge would be totally useless as a fertilizer.

Disemboweled and Torn Apart for Teaching Girls

The world does not need the Taliban. The world does not need Islamic fundamentalists. The world doesn't need fundamentalists, period. They should be killed. Everyone single one of them. Killed -- because if it's not them, it's us. This report from 2006 is a reminder of why the war in Afghanistan got as much support as it did; and why it's still a just war. If George W. hadn't fucked it all up by invading Iraq, the world would have been a different place today. Muslim moderates would have cheered to have the fundamentalists purged from the planet. Instead, George W. succeeded in irking Muslim moderates and turning a war against fundamentalists into a war against Islam. Way to go jackass. The gunmen came at night to drag Mohammed Halim away from his home, in front of his crying children and his wife begging for mercy. The 46-year-old schoolteacher tried to reassure his family that he would return safely. But his life was over, he was part-disembowelled and

Saying No to Weapons Export

Way to go South African dock workers! A Chinese ship docked at a South African port encountered problems when it tried to offload its shipment of weapons destined for Zimbabwe. While there is currently no UN or AU embargo on shipping weapons to Zimbabwe, public interest groups are concerned about the use of those weapons in the political turmoil that is Zimbabwe today. So, dock workers refused to offload the ship , and it had to leave. The ship had on board, three million rounds for AK-47s, 1,500 rocket-propelled grenades and several thousand mortar rounds. Just what is a country, with no economy, doing, in importing such weapons? And what is China doing, exporting such weapons to such an unstable country? The Arms industry is huge. The economics of dealing in death just makes for good business. It's startling however, when you start digging into the flow of cash for weapons . The top 20 arms exporters in the world include the five permanent members of the UN Security Cou

The Dirty Truth About Plastic

Plastics were making the news this week in Canada, with Health Canada not really announcing much that they haven't already announced. In effect, what Health Canada said this week was, yes, plastics do represent a risk, however, at the end of the day, plastics are so ubiquitous in our environment, that an outright ban due to the risks of chemicals such as Bisphenol A would create a vacuum that would cause more harm than good. And to be sure, the economic ramifications to an outright ban would be tremendous. That doesn't mean that Health Canada made a political decision and closed the door. The door remained open, even if it is just slight. Health Canada label Bisphenol A toxic, and that will now allow the government to regulate the chemical. It's a warning to industry that the days of using human health and the environment as a test bed, are gone. Will there be changes overnight? Not the dramatic ones that vocal critics of the chemical industry had hoped for. Sure,

Helix Wind

Helix Wind has created a unique, and absolutely cool, wind power generation system for homes and small businesses. The Helix system works in low wind conditions, capturing wind from any direction and funneling it into the turbine. Helix Wind has more details on their site, including techincal drawings that architects and engineers can use to easily integrate Helix systems into their work. From an architectural perspective, the Helix system could be used to compliment a design. You can be the envy of your neighbours in more than one way.

Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear

There are few faceless corporations that are truly evil. Monsanto is one of them. One must wonder about the people who are the tireless cogs in its machinery -- as they slog away, do they ever wonder about the machine they power? Vanity Fair is running an investigative piece that looks at Monstanso: its quest to control the food supply chain and the destruction of the environment that it is responsible for. If I worked for Monsanto, I think I would breaking glass and diving out of the offices of its highest towers, because I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Evil.

Not just one ... two assholes encountered this weekend!

Two assholes encountered in one weekend. I'm so friggin' lucky. First asshole was found at the Brick Works. I was there on Saturday for the first time to check the place out. I've been thinking of it as a destination for a team event -- getting back to nature sort of thing. For those who don't know the Brick Works, here's a bit of backstory from the Brick Works website -- it's important context. Evergreen is transforming Toronto’s historic Don Valley Brick Works factory from an underused, deteriorating collection of buildings into a thriving environmentally-based community centre that engages visitors in diverse experiences connected to nature. Yes, an urban forest -- right beside the Don Valley Parkway. You'd think that the people who frequent the Brick Works would know this. On Saturday, I stopped by for 30-minutes, snapped a few pictures, and left. In the parking lot when I parked, there was a Toyota Corolla, with its lights on, engine running.

With Asbestos, Canada Deals Death to the Poor in Developing Countries

You don't have to spend anymore time wondering about the Canadian government. Their thinking is rather limited to the short term and what is economically progressive for Canada now. Take cancer-causing asbestos for instance. Canada is one of the world's largest producer at close to 350,000 tonnes, most of which are destined for South-East Asia and South America. The government (Harper's and previous) actively promotes asbestos as safe to use in controlled situations, and has actively worked to ensure that the Rotterdam Convention, a UN directive to create a list of hazardous chemicals that countries can't export without the importing country's permission, doesn't get passed. Yes, Canada is an international pariah. We're exporting death for profits. Health Canada warns about the use of asbestos, pointing out that its use is highly regulated by the Hazardous Product Act and its production regulated by the Environmental Protection Act -- but Health Ca

Feeding on Yahoo!

Here's a prediction that will be completely laughable in the near future. Concerning the battle to be the internet giant -- a battle being waged between Yahoo, Google and Microsoft. Yahoo is getting the crapped punched out of it, so it's apparently going to sidle up the online loser, AOL, but outsource its advertising operations to Google. Of course, this is only going to bilk AOL and Yahoo to fill Google's ever increasing do-no-evil coffers -- I guess it isn't evil drain the competition when they down, just Darwinian. Microsoft apparently still thinks it can get a hold of Yahoo's carcass, so they're apparently working on a deal with another deadbeat, News Corp's MySpace, in hopes of joining MySpace, MSN and Yahoo. This of course would extend Microsoft's reach into Yahoo and MySpace, and hopefully bring their users into the Microsoft fold. Naturally, this is all probably very far from the truth. My prediction: Google will do evil, and Microsoft


Want to surf the net surreptitiously at work without the boss knowing? Easy! Go to workFRIENDLY and enter the destination URL. Your browser window will be reconfigured to look like the standard MSWord application, and the site will be skinned to look like a Word document. Of course, that takes away the richness of the site, but hey, if your boss is breathing down your neck on the frequency of your browsing, this is one way of dodging the bullet.