Feeding on Yahoo!

Here's a prediction that will be completely laughable in the near future. Concerning the battle to be the internet giant -- a battle being waged between Yahoo, Google and Microsoft. Yahoo is getting the crapped punched out of it, so it's apparently going to sidle up the online loser, AOL, but outsource its advertising operations to Google. Of course, this is only going to bilk AOL and Yahoo to fill Google's ever increasing do-no-evil coffers -- I guess it isn't evil drain the competition when they down, just Darwinian. Microsoft apparently still thinks it can get a hold of Yahoo's carcass, so they're apparently working on a deal with another deadbeat, News Corp's MySpace, in hopes of joining MySpace, MSN and Yahoo. This of course would extend Microsoft's reach into Yahoo and MySpace, and hopefully bring their users into the Microsoft fold.

Naturally, this is all probably very far from the truth.

My prediction: Google will do evil, and Microsoft will become the internet business we all cheer for -- even though we'll never use their services as much as we'll use Google's. This will happen when Balmer leaves the helm. The guy is just too way over the top for anyone to cheer for him ...

... hmm ... what was I saying again?


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