Not just one ... two assholes encountered this weekend!

Brick Works AssholeTwo assholes encountered in one weekend. I'm so friggin' lucky. First asshole was found at the Brick Works. I was there on Saturday for the first time to check the place out. I've been thinking of it as a destination for a team event -- getting back to nature sort of thing. For those who don't know the Brick Works, here's a bit of backstory from the Brick Works website -- it's important context.
Evergreen is transforming Toronto’s historic Don Valley Brick Works factory from an underused, deteriorating collection of buildings into a thriving environmentally-based community centre that engages visitors in diverse experiences connected to nature.
Yes, an urban forest -- right beside the Don Valley Parkway. You'd think that the people who frequent the Brick Works would know this. On Saturday, I stopped by for 30-minutes, snapped a few pictures, and left. In the parking lot when I parked, there was a Toyota Corolla, with its lights on, engine running. I thought nothing of it. When I came back to my car, who was there? Yes, same Corolla, engine still running, with the driver reclining back in her seat, reading a book. WTF? Is the concept behind the Brick Works lost to the moron in that car? Apparently so. And so that was when I had my first asshole encounter this weekend. The Corolla carried a license plate BBEC 647 for those who know this person.

Laureleaf AssholeMy second asshole encounter happened earlier today. I was at the Laureleaf Plaza, which I had walked to to have a coffee at the local Second Cup. It was a nice day, a bit windy, but the sun was out, the clouds were being blown away to reveal a bright blue sky. Out there in the parking lot was another Corolla. The passengers were waiting for a pizza to be ready apparently, and in the backseat was a teen -- not a child -- an older teen or a young adult. The car door kept opening, and this asshole kept throwing trash out into the parking lot. WTF? This is my neighbourhood, and probably this asshole's as well. Why would people do that? No reason needed if you're an asshole. This Corolla carried a license plate AVKX 468 for those who know this person.


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