
Showing posts from September, 2008

It's snowing on Mars

NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has detected snow falling from Martian clouds, from about 4km above the surface of the planet -- the snow is vapourizing before it hits the ground, however. Still, ain't that cool news? Phoenix also found evidence from soil experiments of past interaction between liquid water and minerals. It should be noted that Phoenix was developed with some funding and work by the Canadian Space Agency ... which just goes to figure ... it had to take a Canadian team to find snow falling on Mars.

The world will soon be thirsty

I missed FLOW , when it was showing at one of the documentary film festivals in Toronto this summer -- I still want to see it, although it will be preaching to the converted. I just recently came across this review on CNN , echoing the dire warning of the world running out of clean water. The planet may be mostly water, but most of it can't be consumed by humans. We can't drink the water in the oceans -- and the limited quantities that are in our lakes and rivers are being poisoned. We shit and dump toxic pollutants in the same glass that we drink from -- how stupid is that? Recently, to Canada's shame, the Harper government voted to reject a UN resolution that would declare water as being a fundamental human right -- a UN motion, which would have no teeth, would nonetheless enshrined in the International community the notion that clean water should be held sacred. Canada, with its abundance of fresh, clean water, probably has little to worry about -- but in places li

Introducing Google Chrome

Umm ... the chrome-ier browser ? Currently in beta release ... get yours before all the bugs are fixed! Actually, if history is any indication, expect Chrome to stay in beta forever. It's the Google way.

There’s no way a terrorist would change their name to avoid scrutiny is there?

Apparently, terrorists are dumber than US Homeland Security policy makers -- I say this, because you've got to be dumber for the smarter person to catch you. So terrorists smarter than Homeland Security policy makers have the potential of ... well, getting away with murder. Apparently, to avoid being caught by the US Homeland Security's "no fly list," all you have to do is change your name .

Mersenne prime

GIMPS has found two new Mersenne prime numbers. The world remains unchanged. The world of mathematicians on the other hand -- there's a quiet party going on.

The end of anonymity

CNET has unfortunate coverage on work secretly being conducted by the UN to bring the gauntlet down on Internet anonymity. The work is supported by both China and the United States. Of course, the UN is pursuing this course of action with some noble intentions -- to secure computer networks from hackers; to find criminals who use the internet for nefarious purposes. But the UN is made up of nations who have stated intent of criminalizing free speech and squelching opposition to totalitarian rule. As much as the proposed traceback tools would be used to save the world, they would also be used to bring it to its knees. Care to hazard a guess on which purpose the tools to lift the veil on anonymity would be most used on? You guessed it. Truth and justice are about to be fucked.

Canadians are not shifting right

Canadians have learned from the US experience of the last eight years, on what a right-wing government can do. It brought America to its knees -- and Canadians took notice, and in turn, shifted their values to the left. The recent assertion from Stephen Harper that Canadian values are shifting to the right couldn't be any more out of touch with reality. In Harper's fantasy world, where Canada is remade in the image of his Master GW, it may seem that way -- but Canadians have seen much right-wing policies enacted in America, and are not ready for their share. Our values that are simply incompatible with the right, and conservatism -- both economic and social conservatism. Canadians care about each other, not just their own self interests. Canadians care about the world they live in, and the world they are building for future generations. Canadians respect our diversity. Canadians value economic prosperity, but know that it is not a gift for the lucky few, but for all Ca

U.S. Arms Sales Rise Sharply

Tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, missiles, remotely piloted aircraft and warships. These weapons of modern warfare, are being transferred in unprecedented numbers to countries around the world -- including those in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and yes, even Canada -- from the good ole USA. The New York Times is reporting that year to date, the Bush Administration has agreed to sell $32 billion in weapons -- compared to $12 billion in 2005. Commercial sales in services and equipment to support the DoD weapons sales is an additional $96 billion, year to date. Of course, the US isn't alone in exporting sophisticated weapons to unstable nations. Russia provides stiff competition, and the EU and a host of smaller nations sell less sophisticated and small arms. The arms trade remains quite the viable business, and was there before globalization was a buzz word. You don't need to be a cynic to see why having the US and Russia exchanging nasty words is

Sarah Palin is the distilled essence of wingnut

John Cole responds to the Dan Drezner's interview of Sarah Palin the other day. To summarize: And Sarah Palin is the distilled essence of wingnut. She has it all. She is dishonest. She is a religious nut. She is incurious. She is anti-science. She is inexperienced. She abuses her authority. She hides behind executive privilege. She is a big spender. She works from the gut and places a greater value on instinct than knowledge. This is depressing. Depressing because Americans have a real choice, and it is in Obama, unlike the lack of choice Canadians have in the upcoming election. Americans are not only electing a president of the United States, they are also electing the most powerful world leader. The choice Americans make will in large part influence the policies of Canada, and politics around the globe. What's disturbing right now, is that Sarah Palin is new. She's the fresh face, and the American general public likes a new celebrity. That's what politics hav

Holidays are over

The vacation is now over, and we're sitting having coffee at Glasgow's BAA, waiting for our flight back to Toronto. It's been a hectic two weeks, and I'm definitely looking forward to being back home. Two weeks ago we landed in Glasgow, and took a taxi to hire a car. The adventure started then. My wife fell and sprained her ankle, but the Scot blood must have been all fired up, cause she soldiered on. We drove from Glasgow to Stirling to Perth to Aberdeen to Forres to Thurso to Kirkwall (via a ferry) to Ullapool to Stornaway (via a ferry) to Inverness before ending in Glasgow, right where we started. For the two weeks, we were in a constant state of awe. Scotland is a beautiful country, rich in horrible history , and we couldn't miss it. Every step was another beautiful photo-op or something historical. After all of that, and having not seen quite enough or taken enough pictures (over 4,500, totaling 9GB of JPEGs), I would like to go home. Go home to our

Guess what I'm driving?

The previous week Saturday, I landed in Scotland, and went to pick up the Vauxhall I had reserved at Enterprise. The car I was supposed to get was still out -- now extended. They wanted to give me a luxury Mercedes for more money. They wanted to give me a mini-van. I didn't want those. I wanted something shorter, than I could fit into small places. After an hour wait, they offered me the Chevrolet Captiva . An SUV. So I'm driving around in an SUV. Heated seats; AUX input for the MP3 player; and automatic everything, including the wiper that starts when it detects rain, and speeds up and slows down on its own accord. I'm putting up with it.