Canadians are not shifting right

Canadians have learned from the US experience of the last eight years, on what a right-wing government can do. It brought America to its knees -- and Canadians took notice, and in turn, shifted their values to the left. The recent assertion from Stephen Harper that Canadian values are shifting to the right couldn't be any more out of touch with reality. In Harper's fantasy world, where Canada is remade in the image of his Master GW, it may seem that way -- but Canadians have seen much right-wing policies enacted in America, and are not ready for their share. Our values that are simply incompatible with the right, and conservatism -- both economic and social conservatism.

Canadians care about each other, not just their own self interests. Canadians care about the world they live in, and the world they are building for future generations. Canadians respect our diversity. Canadians value economic prosperity, but know that it is not a gift for the lucky few, but for all Canadians. Canadians want to restore Canada's world image -- as not being an American stooge -- but being a country that can be trusted; has morals; and is peaceful.

This election, Canadians need to correct Harper's misinformed perception of what Canadians want -- what Canadians value. We can do what we did in the last election and sit on our asses because we don't like the other choices, or we can choose to not want another Conservative government and, well, to borrow a line from south of the border, "vote for change."


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