U.S. Arms Sales Rise Sharply

Tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, missiles, remotely piloted aircraft and warships. These weapons of modern warfare, are being transferred in unprecedented numbers to countries around the world -- including those in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and yes, even Canada -- from the good ole USA. The New York Times is reporting that year to date, the Bush Administration has agreed to sell $32 billion in weapons -- compared to $12 billion in 2005. Commercial sales in services and equipment to support the DoD weapons sales is an additional $96 billion, year to date.

Of course, the US isn't alone in exporting sophisticated weapons to unstable nations. Russia provides stiff competition, and the EU and a host of smaller nations sell less sophisticated and small arms. The arms trade remains quite the viable business, and was there before globalization was a buzz word. You don't need to be a cynic to see why having the US and Russia exchanging nasty words is good for business; or why arms trade need bad guys like Iran, North Korea and elusive Osama bin Laden (Even if Bin Laden is dead, bringing him back as a bogeyman is good for business.) The whole business stink of evil.

The delivery for the US DoD sales will continue for years after the Bush Administration leaves, and will haunt the new government -- a dark shadow sure to be used against Obama if he takes the reins.


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