The world will soon be thirsty

I missed FLOW, when it was showing at one of the documentary film festivals in Toronto this summer -- I still want to see it, although it will be preaching to the converted. I just recently came across this review on CNN, echoing the dire warning of the world running out of clean water. The planet may be mostly water, but most of it can't be consumed by humans. We can't drink the water in the oceans -- and the limited quantities that are in our lakes and rivers are being poisoned. We shit and dump toxic pollutants in the same glass that we drink from -- how stupid is that?

Recently, to Canada's shame, the Harper government voted to reject a UN resolution that would declare water as being a fundamental human right -- a UN motion, which would have no teeth, would nonetheless enshrined in the International community the notion that clean water should be held sacred. Canada, with its abundance of fresh, clean water, probably has little to worry about -- but in places like Africa, Asia, and alarmingly, the United States, clean water is rapidly becoming scarce. Like the environment, the warning signs are there, but unless people start dying in the thousands, public interest and policy will hardly budge.


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