Dream Job Here's a little bit of inspiration for those of you who find themselves in a daily grind - it's an article from the Globe and Mail, and was sent to me by a friend (thanks for this one too Naj). What exactly makes some people love their job, while others hate the jobs they find themselves in? The article contends that some of us see our jobs as the end - the final goal in life; while others see their jobs as a means to the end - only a stop along the way of achieving that final goal in life. Personally, I love my job. Yes, it's damn frustrating at times, and hard, and time consuming, allowing me to do little of the other things I want, but I don't see it as the end of everything I'm going to be doing in life. Neither do I see it as the most important part of my life. It's a means - an important means - but I can be replaced, and so can the job. Family, friends, the impact I have (however little) on the world - the way I will be remembered - that's the end. It's quite intangible.


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