The Wal-Mart Economy Here's a Toronto Star article forwarded to me by friend (thanks Naj). We've seen the newscasts featuring many small towns pleading for a Wal-Mart store to be opened in their area, but what are the real effects of Wal-Mart on the economy, and on society as a whole? This article contends that they're pretty bad for the economy and society. It's a bit slanted towards the left, and demonizes Wal-Mart, and while all of the negative press may not be warranted, there is some truth to it to what the article speaks to. I know from a business perspective, Wal-Mart is noted for its bullying tactics when dealing with suppliers. You either do things their way, or you're out of business - sometimes you're damn either way. Read however, and make up your mind on your own.


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