The Progress ParadoxClick here to order the book from! Here's a review of the Progress Paradox from BusinessWeek Magazine. This is a book that I am a little curious to read, and goes on my wish list, just below the Philosophy of the Matrix -- why below? Because I'm too much of a solipsist to think that the cure for the world's woes lie in everyone else's reality and not mine. I believe damnit! Anyway, the Progress Paradox -- it looks at the belief American's have that the times of the past were the better days -- the book contends that life has never been as good as it is today. The book addresses the general sentiment that the good times are over by looking at: 1) contemporary material life, 2) why people are so unhappy, and, 3) suggestions on how to treat some of the social problems. One of the book's conclusions apparently is that money isn't necessarily everything -- it doesn't guarantee a happy life. This may be more of a startling revelation for Americans than it is for Canadians.


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