Hate and Intolerance

The UK Telegraph has two opinion pieces that are a good read, concerning the latest incursion of Muslim society into our western-democractized-free-liberal-world. Specifically:

Nigel Farndale writes a piece that suggests that "sometimes a liberal democracy needs to show a little intolerance." He is of course referring to our need to show some courage in the face of the waves of "cartoon protests" happening around the world. This is not a time for us to show tolerance -- to show fear. The Muslim world has the right to be offended. No one argues that. That most of who are offended have no clue why they're offended, is another story. What they do with their anger however is very much a concern. They show no tolerance for our values. Their belief is absolute and leaves no room for ours. That level of intolerance should not be accepted.

Nonie Darwish also writes of a culture of hate that is fostered from childhood in the Muslim world -- hate for the West; hate for the Jews. Every problem of the Muslim world has a face and a name -- it is that of the infidel west and the Jews. The leaders of the Muslim world use their people. The Muslim people have little to no value to their leaders. They've been so indoctrinated into hate that any questioning of their leaders or beliefs inspires a violent reaction. How do they stop the hate? Darwish suggests that apologizing for the cartoons is not the solution. She's right. It's not. Her suggestion of having hope and tackling the root of the problem is empty however. I go right back to Nigel Farndale -- show some intolerance.

On a related note, check out Cox & Forkum's posts on the "cartoon jihad" and the support for free speech from Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch Muslim politician.


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