Iranian Girl to be Hanged

An 18-year-old Iranian girl, who fought off three attackers intent on kidnapping and raping her (she was 17 at the time) and her niece (16 at the time), was sentenced to death by hanging. She was so condemned by an Islamic court after one of her attackers later died in hospital. This travesty of justice of course does not provoke a lot of uproar in Muslims around the globe. There are no embassies being attacked; no death threats; no anger like what we've seen in the past couple of weeks. If the sentence is upheld in higher courts, 18-year-old Nazanin was will be murdered by her country in the name of Allah and the Prophet Mohammed. That is okay -- I just can't understand how it is.

Meanwhile, at the United Nations, Louise Arbour's silence on this topic speaks volumes. At the US State Department, Kurtis Cooper's silence screams American condoning of the continued murder of children and women. And the rest of you kowtowing wusses out there: where the fuck are your protests now?!.


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