Secrets from Google

The Silicon Valley Sleuth reports on a demonstration by McAfee's SVP, George Kurtz, at the RSA conference, on how much "goodies" are available online -- made easier to find by Google. The stupidest things that people leave lying around on their sites are passwords. for instance, posts some of these stupid finds. With a link from to a Google search for instance, I found a server.log file that gave me the following two incredibly stupid lines:
07-08-05 18:06:13,WARNING,Info,SERVER, admin account info: username: admin password: ie47ed 07-08-05 18:06:13,WARNING,Info,SERVER, superadmin account info: username: superadmin password: by63bs
Can security really be that lax?

[This was orginally posted 2/17/2006, then Blogger deleted it.]
[It was then reposted on 2/18/2006, then Blogger deleted it.]


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