Sign O' The Times

Time, time -- Some say a man ain’t happy, truly -- Until a man truly dies

What world are we living in, when a politician can put a price tag on the life of someone? Yaqoob Qureshi, Indian minister of Minority Welfare in the state of Uttar Pradesh, has offered £6m to anyone who beheads one of the Danish cartoonists that drew the images of the prophet Muhammad. He also said that the killer would receive his weight in gold. I have to wonder how Muhammad feels about hits being ordered on his behalf. I also have to wonder if Qureshi has the money to fund such an offing -- and more importantly, is the Indian government going to do anything about him? Let's not forget that India wishes to obtain a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

Time, time -- But if a night falls and a bomb falls -- Will anybody see the dawn

Qureshi of course was probably just trying to up the ante on Imam Mohammed Yousaf Qureshi, who offered $25,000, a car and promised that a local jewellers would cough up $1M, in prize money to the killer of any of the Danish cartoonists. The Imam made the announcement in during prayer service in Peshawar, Pakistan. I wonder if the Danish cartoonists would offer to commit suicide for the money?

Time, time -- U turn on the telly and every other story -- Is tellin’ u somebody died

Meanwhile, protests continue around the world, by people who have never seen the cartoons. And people are dying. In Nigeria, Libya, Pakistan, ... and elsewhere around the world, the ignorant are falling -- not because of Danish cartoonists -- but because of failed leadership. The political and religious leaders are not leading. Instead of showing leadership, they are instead feeding the mob frenzy. It's a simple and effective tactic to maintain control. Feed the hysteria and distract the populace from the real problems of their everyday lives.

Time, time -- Sign o the times mess with your mind

Is the Muslim world capable of coexisting with the rest of the world? The rest of the world that is free? How will the rest of the world cope with the Muslim world? In the US, right-wing conservatism is on the rise. In Canada, we just elected Bush's lapdog. In Europe, countries are struggling with how to deal with the increasing immigrant population. More and more, leaders are being elected that carry an intolerant edge. The world seems to be moving to polar opposites. When will cooler heads prevail? Or will they be the first heads to roll?

One love! one heart! -- Let’s get together and feel all right.


  1. "Is the Muslim world capable of coexisting with the rest of the world? The rest of the world that is free? How will the rest of the world cope with the Muslim world? In the US, right-wing conservatism is on the rise. In Canada, we just elected Bush's lapdog. In Europe, countries are struggling with how to deal with the increasing immigrant population. More and more, leaders are being elected that carry an intolerant edge. The world seems to be moving to polar opposites. When will cooler heads prevail? Or will they be the first heads to roll?"

    Why just the extremist Muslims? Why not the extremist Christians or Jewish? Or is it ok to be an extremist Christian or Jew but not Muslim?

    I would have expected you to decry all extremists not just one stripe.

  2. Umm ... I thought I did just that. When I referred to the bozos in the US and Canada -- I was referring to the Christian majority. Europe: the elected intolerant are Christians.

    There is a difference in the extremism of Muslim and just about everybody else however. Extremist Muslims feel that it is OK to kill people. Most others stop short of murder.

  3. Forgot to say one more thing: The protests are entirely too much (even if I don't agree with the cartoons) AND those two wingnuts in Pakistan you talk about should be arrested!


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