Clinton Gets Crazed

In a recent interview on Fox News, Bill Clinton tears anchor Chris Wallace a new one, over Wallace's insistence on further the Bush Administration's right-wing neo-conservative scheme of blaming Clinton for not getting bin Laden. Clinton was being interviewed supposedly to promote his Global Initiative -- but Wallace started it all wrong by deciding to take on the former president. [For more, see also on Think Progress: Chris Wallace Never Asked A Bush Administration Official Why They Demoted Richard Clarke, and Chris Wallace Has Never Asked A Bush Administration Official About The USS Cole.]
It is amazing to me, to see the widening gulf between the extremes. Polarization seems to be the state of affairs in the US, and the media, Fox News especially, are wallowing in irresponsibility as they take shots across the gulf. This latest example is just another in which Fox shows that not only is it biased, but it deliberately stokes the fires of conflict in order to generate commercial gains. Irresponsible to the public. Fox News, and their ilk, survives on a divided populace, just as the Republican party has demonstrated their deft ability to leverage confusion and doubt for their gains. The end result is a fractured democracy, with a government in place that practices a brand of foreign policy that has made the world a more dangerous place to live in, than the cold war did.


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