Remember When Torture Was Evil?

Wisco Madison has a very well written post on the case Maher Arar -- the Canadian mad who was taken from JFK, shipped off to Syria, and tortured for a year. He was innocent. He wasn't -- isn't a terrorist. His life has been ruined. The American government doesn't care. Quite a few Americans don't care either. Torture is fine if it gets the job done.


  1. The fallout from the Arar case continues. First, US Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales denied there was any wrongdoing on the US part: "Well, we were not responsible for his removal to Syria. I'm not aware that he was tortured."

    Gonzales comments suggest that he has rapidly ascended to the level of stupidity prevalent in the Bush administration. The Justice Department however, was quick to clarify and distance itself from the remarks, as the New York Times reports.

    The fiasco of course, continues here in Canada. The Conservatives are towing the American line on this. Arar is still on US no-fly lists as a terrorist, and has been pulled at airports for additional screening.


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