The Devil and Hugo Chavez

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez may be perceived as a fruitcake by those who's nerves he grates on -- but consider this -- how much more insane is the man than George W. Bush? Yesterday, Chavez went on the rampage against the US and Bush, calling the US president the devil. At the UN, his diatribe drew support for some of its criticisms of America. This is backlash -- backlash against US foreign policy. As crazy as Chavez is, he does get a few things correct -- Bush does talk as if he's "the owner of the world." Chavez seeks reforms in the UN to counter the influence of the permanent members of the security council, while the US likewise has spoken out about reforms -- the US wanting to restrict countries that they see as abusive of human and political rights, from fully participating and being treated as equals in the UN. Both Chavez and Bush have a point. The UN is not democratic, with the US using its veto rights to enforce a colonial perspective on the world. However, there is no way that countries like Somalia for instance should be respected as equals on the world stage. Somewhere in the middle, I'm sure the answer lies -- meanwhile, you can't entertain like this.


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