Ten Major Stories the MSM is Ignoring

The mainstream media is not here to serve the public interest -- even public media endures pressure to cave to private masters -- so you've got to wonder -- just what is that they don't want us hearing too much. Well, Thomas Kostigen of MarketWatch, has made an attempt to bring public discourse on stories they would rather us not discuss. You figure out what private interests would be compromised by public knowledge of the following stories:
  1. Internet freedom, otherwise known as net neutrality -- while this has been a US only concern, don't kid yourself into believing it won't impact us.
  2. Halliburton sold nuclear technology to Iran and has been charged in violating US laws. Halliburton was US Vice President Dick Cheney previous employer.
  3. The world's oceans are heating up as global warming continues its ascension. Increasing temperature will cause large scale devastation to the oceans ecosystem.
  4. Hunger and homelessness increasing in the US. Although if you listen to the US government, you'd think everything was just dandy.
  5. The Congo genocide isn't just tribal warfare, it's a fight for the precious minerals the high-tech industry needs.
  6. US federal whistleblower protection is slowly being dismantled. Soon government workers will think twice before reporting abuses.
  7. Detainees being tortured to death in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  8. The US DoD is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act. Now secrets really will be secrets.
  9. In a round about way, the World Bank seems to be funding the wall Israel is building on its borders with Palestine.
  10. As the US increased bombing runs across Iraq, more civilians are getting bombed. Well, duh!


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