Climate change is happening faster than earlier thought

More depressing news from the climate change front -- as if we needed more -- and I guess we'd better get used to it, cause I don't expect anymore good news in my lifetime. In a follow up survey to the 2007 results by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) -- results which the Bush Administration did their best to poo-poo all over -- the US Geological Survey has released a report that says things will probably get bad a lot faster than the earlier prediction. Specifically, the Arctic is losing ice a lot faster than expected, causing a faster rise in sea levels, to the tune of four feet by 2100 -- although the report doesn't expect the Atlantic Ocean circulation system will shut down in this century. For the US, the continued desertification of the Southwest [PDF] will probably occur faster -- leading to droughts, possible food shortages and definitely conflict within the good ole USA as scapegoats are sought out. Those who still think that this won't happen should take a look at what has happened to the climate in Africa in the past 100 years. Disaster is coming, and it's very much man made.

IPCC Reports: Too lazy to read the report? Powerpoint is here to help:

Simulation of Arctic Sea Ice Summer Minimum - 1990 to 2049

Stuck Polar Bears Eating Birds (National Geographic)


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