The holocaust doesn't give Israel license to terrorize and murder at will

I'm no longer going to allow Israel to play the holocaust card. Time and again, Israelis, Jews, and those not want to be accused of being holocaust deniers, have held their tongue, while Israel plays the bully in Palestine. I'm sure if the world turned a blindeye, Israel would wipe the Palestinians off the face of the planet. The latest violence that has erupted in the Palestine is yet another example of Israel showing just how far they can go, thumb their nose at the world, because the Americans will always be there to back them up. That's go to end. If the world accepts this violence from Israel, we accept it from every other military force in the world. This level of offensive action against the Palestinians -- because let's face it, it's definitely not just targeting Hamas -- is totally uncalled for; and it's the type of violence that is seen from every two-bit dictatorship around the world. Israel can claim they're a first world democracy, but they're certainly not acting that way. Shame on you Israel. Shame on you for also using the holocaust in vain.

This, btw, in no way excuses Hamas or others in the region that continue to provoke Israel's military. You jackasses are using your people to gain world sympathy.


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