Yo! Gullible People!

Yes, you, gullible -- mostly white people, but also a whole lot of immigrant Indian people -- stop being gullible, Deepak Chopra is actually full of shit. Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but he's been feeding you shit in his books, lectures, audio and other media releases. If you need anymore evidence that the man is full of shit, just check out his recent verbal diarrhea on CNN, regarding the acts of terrorism in Mumbai.
OK, after getting over the shock that Larry King is still alive, any reasonably intelligent person must be asking themselves, since when has Chopra become an expert on terrorism or geopolitics? Maybe you need to be a transcendental bullshitter to be on the seance that is the Larry King show. Or maybe they were just looking for any brown guy to keep the idiot box going, and Chopra the media whore just happened to be scratching on the door after the murder started. (I did notice that it took CNN some time before they could actually find some Indians to talk about the carnage in Mumbai.)

Chopra, I am sure, was a good, practicing medical doctor. But somewhere along the way, he went horribly wrong. It could have been his first meditation -- where he just lost his mind, and never found it again. I know a lot of people are looking for more meaning in their existence, and any Indian guy talking shit appeals to you -- but please -- it's all bullshit. So don't let him start lecturing you on terrorism.


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