HeroRATS saving the world!

HeroRAT at workThe problem of landmines in Africa is horrifying in its numbers, as it is deadly effects. The numbers are astounding. There are probably close to 45 million landmines scattered across the continent, left over from various conflicts – much of the mines having been manufactured, sold or given to various pet projects by the developed world to fight their proxy wars.

To make Africa a safer place, heavy investment is needed and lots of time. Traditionally, dogs have been used to sniff out mines so they can be properly disposed of. But dogs take a long time to train, are costly to maintain and there are only so many dogs that can be handled. Enter a new and unique solution to this problem: rats. Not just any rats however – HeroRATS!

HeroRATS is project by APOPO, that train rats to sniff out landmines (as well as certain diseases and as to aid search and rescue workers). Other ways of detecting landmines are expensive and rely on foreign expertise for development, maintenance and execution. Rats however, are a low tech vapour detection technology.

It’s a totally cool, inexpensive idea, that empowers those in the countries affected, to help themselves. What better way to save the world? If you have a bit of spare cash, you can help this program by sponsoring a HeroRAT. It takes 5€/month to sponsor a HeroRAT, that can clear a 100 square metre landmine field in 30 minutes –- much faster than a human can.


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