Giving houses for Christmas

Merry Christmas Toronto! And the rest of the world ... regardless of your religious affiliation. I'm not Christian, but I'm in a Christian family ... sort of ... and Christmas is an occasion we mark with friends and family. Christmas for me isn't about celebrating Big J's birthday -- because let's face it -- it's not his birthday -- it's a creation of the church, and nothing more, which coincidentally, co-opted a number of pagan celebrations. Go figure -- the church -- political. Christmas is a time however, for a little introspection -- a time to take a deep breath, regard past misdeeds with a sigh, and make promises to build an improved future in the coming year. Goodwill to everyone, and all that sort of stuff, which the world could always use a little bit more of.

Which is precisely what Habitat for Humanity is all about this Christmas, for the Mpianas -- a family that fled the Congo in 2002 to find refuge in Toronto. The Mpianas were recently given the keys to a brand home built by volunteer hands motivated by goodwill -- a volunteer that includes my eldest daughter, who spends a few days (evenings, weekends) per week at Habitat -- literally putting the roof over needy heads. For the folks who volunteer at Habitat -- those that donate money and materials -- the Christmas spirit is one that is celebrated year round, in countless builds, around the world. If all of us just gave a little -- just a little time, if nothing else -- what a different world it would be.


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