PiracyLegitimate music-downloading sites should have been offered earlier, says Wheeler, News Corp.'s Fox Entertainment senior VP of content protection. The movie industry is now in approaching the precipice that the music industry lept over -- how to deal with consumer demand of digital content, anytime, any where, and on any damn device they want. The music industry was slow to embrace digital content, and was left to catch up, while launching lawsuits against their customers. The movie industry is looking to learn a lesson from their media brethren -- and hopefully their approach will not piss off the consumer, but deliver the goods. My advice to the industry: flood the market with DVDs -- cheap DVDs. People will pay the $10 to buy a cheap DVD, even one they may not like that much, just because of the convenience -- make it so that DVDs become an impulse item and the market will be saturated -- who'll need to pirate movies after that? Read more at InformationWeek.


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