Cyborg Democracy

If you're a cyborg, or a aspire to become one, this site should be a destination for you. These people may be wackos today -- they may also be at the forefront of something that the general populace isn't ready for today. In the site's own words:
Cyborg democracy is a nexus for progressive transhumanists, or as we say "for democratic transhumanists, nanosocialists, revolutionary singularitarians, non-anthropocentric personhood theorists, radical futurists, leftist extropians, bioutopians and biopunks, socialist-feminist cyborgs, transgenders, body modifiers, basic income advocates, world federalists, agents of the Culture and the Cassini Division, Viridians and technoGaians - transmitting a sexy, high-tech vision of a radically democratic future.
Other sites similar in vein: Orion's Arm -- Transhumanity -- World Transhumanist Association -- Creative Conscious Evolution -- Extropy Institute.


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