King Arthur movie

I saw King Arthur last week Monday -- the holiday Monday. The movie has a different take on the legend than previous Arthurian movies I've seen. This one tells a more 'realistic' story -- and the word is in quotes because it's far from real, but still, it's far more real than the previous movies I've seen that elevated the man to godhood. The movie stars some relative unknowns for the movies -- Clive Owen as Arthur and Ioan Gruffudd as Lancelot. The movie however was stolen by the 19-year-old Keira Knightley, who starred as Guinevere -- in my opinion of course. Previously, Guinevere has appeared as a fawning female character, instead of the warrior she is portrayed as in the movie. The real Guinevere was most likely a warrior, as it was custom of her people, the Celts, at that time -- although with scarce information, and more legend than facts, who knows. The other character I liked in the movie was Merlin, played by Stephen Dillane. The movie portrays him more a pagan leader than a sorcerer -- a portrayal that's probably closer to fact -- Merlin the Sorcerer is more the stuff of fantasy. It was quite a movie, lots of action, a few laughs, and a good pace.


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