Hi-tech Activists

  • Flash radiojacking: using a special transmitter, reserved radio frequencies can be broken into to send message bursts before authorities can lock into the transmitter's location. More at the Bureau of Inverse Technology (BIT) site.
  • Bikes Against Bush: putting protestors on the ground without them ever leaving their home, Joshua Kinberg rides a bike equipped with a laptop, a webcam, GPS device, cell phone and a chalk spraying robot. He receives text messages sent by visitors to his site, selects what will be printed by his chalk spraying robot, and time stamps and GPS-maps the messages on his site.
  • These are just a couple of high-tech tools activists will be resorting to at the Republican National Convention in eight days. Apparently the four day event has a $76 million dollar budget, and 10,000 police officers. With that much facing protestors, placards, puppets and even go-old-fashion street riots will not be sufficient. This is better than the Olympics!


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